Do you fear that your curriculum is not preparing your students for life?

  • Are they only prepared for the next test – not life.
  • Are they destined to repeat our mistakes?
  • Are they lacking the financial knowledge to stay out of crushing debt?
  • Are they missing the emotional intelligence to succeed in professional and personal relationships?
  • Do they lack the tools to develop self-discipline to achieve their goals?
  • Do they have a proven strategy to create goals and develop a plan for successful achievement?

What skills are you using in your daily/work life?

Take our 2 minute quiz and find out.

Self-discipline is the single skill that makes all the other Real Life Skills possible.
Goal Setting & Success Planning
Set goals, create success plans, and take action to execute that plan.
Emotional Intelligence
High EQ is a more reliable predictor of professional success than high IQ… and EQ can be learned!
Meditation increases a student’s ability to focus as well as heightening creativity and confidence.
Creativity & Organization
Employers rank creativity, adaptability, and organization as critical skills they need in employees.
Decision Making
Successful people don’t always make better decisions, but they do make decisions faster and with more confidence.
Memory Skills
Academically, socially, or at work, a trained memory gives students a distinct advantage.
Finance & Money Management
A sound understanding of finance and money management leads to a lifetime of success and abundance.
Communication Skills
Whether it is a job interview, a presentation in a meeting, or a toast at a wedding, ease and confidence in communication will make a significant difference in life success.
Universal Laws
Like ripples in the water that are in harmony, amplifying each other, Universal Laws allow us to achieve success easier and faster. Universal Laws allow ordinary people to do the extraordinary.

How to get started with Real Life Skills


Place an order for workbooks for your students.


Spend a period or two a week preparing your students
for success in life.


Enjoy the positive feedback from parents (who wish they had this course when they were young)!

“I wish I had this when I was younger.” — Parent

“I already have my own investment account and I am on my way to my first million.” — Student

“These are the skills that I am looking for in an employee.” — Business Leader

“I feel more confident standing up in front of my class doing presentations.” — Student

“I have a perfect habit streak going. I reached day 33 making my bed each day. My mom likes it.” — Student

“Looking back, these are the so-called ‘soft skills’ that have been responsible for the success I have enjoyed in my life.” — CEO of a major corporation

“I actually believe in myself!” — Student

How We Are Making a Difference


At Real Life Skills, we know that you want your students to have the skills they need to become happy and successful academically, vocationally, and financially. To do that, you need a curriculum that prepares your children for Real Life. The problem is, you know your children are not prepared for life’s challenges which makes you fearful that they will make the same mistakes as their parents. We believe the curriculum should prepare students for success in life – not just to pass the next grade. We understand because we have seen our own children make our mistakes which is why we created and honed our Real Life Skills program in our private school over the past 9 years.

Here's how you can give your students the skills they need:

  1. Order the Real Life Skills grade-based workbook series.
  2. Give your students the tools for a happy and successful life.
  3. Watch your students’ success in their school, work, and personal life.

So, order a set of workbooks for each of your students. And in the meantime, enjoy our free, informational, self-discipline PDF.

Stop your students from repeating the past and instead ensure your students have the Real Life Skills to be happy and successful.

Give your students the skills they need, and they will be saying, “Real Life doesn’t scare me because I have the Skills.”

Workbook Series — Grade 3 to 8

How the Real Life Skills Lessons Work

Each grade has two workbooks that cover the ten areas of Real Life Skills. The programs are designed with lessons that students work through on their own or together as a class if the teacher wishes.

Each lesson is followed with an action or exercise that the students use to further learn the lesson or put it into practice in their lives.

In addition to the lessons, three special areas help the students develop habits or positive attitudes.

  1. Combining the lessons on the Law of Habit, the habit tracker gives students a visual tracker of their success developing new habits. By not "breaking the chain", the students have motivation to continue the positive habits they are developing.
  2. Throughout the course, students are reminded to write a gratitude on The Wall of Gratitude in their workbooks. This is a visual reminder of the positive things in their life and helps to change negative attitudes.
  3. The Success Log encourages students to write down all their successes, no matter how small. This practice not only demonstrates how successful students are, it also gives them motivation for other tasks. By realizing that this current challenge is sort of like the one they were already successful at, they can use transferable skills to accomplish the challenge.